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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Go Natural and Live Longer

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There are many ways that we can help others. You can become a volunteer at something that interests you where you can contribute to others. You can help out a neighbor or find someone elderly in your neighborhood that you can visit. It will not only help them but you too!

Browse through the rest of this article. Are you looking to learn more about beauty and health or are you trying to find out if researching a subject like Ionic Pro Turbo Air Purifier Review is a futile pursuit? Whatever the case, the tips beneath ought to aim you in the appropriate direction. Who knows? You just might end up saving some cash once you implement a few of the free tips talked about here.

If possible, avoid taking antibiotics. They serve to kill the good bacteria in the body that aid in digestion, and may cause a condition called Thrush, where the yeast in your body grows out of control causing you significant discomfort. This kind of drug can also cause stomach irritation. Not good.

As we know, drinking milk is a powerful way to prevent damage to the bone. But, the results of a study in Taiwan revealed a new fact that bone damage can be prevented by drinking tea. Tea contains fluoride and flavonoids that can boost bone strength, so by drinking two cups of tea eraser days, you can prevent bone damage.

White bread, white flour, white sugar, white rice---There is NO nutritional value in any of it...NONE. Period. Find whole grain breads to eat. There are many, many choices. Bake with whole wheat pastry flour (bakes a lovely cake and makes a perfect pie crust). For sweeteners there are many natural products to choose. For example a few are evaporated cane juice, stevia, sucanat, xylitol and agave. Eat brown rice---comes in long grain, short grain and Basmati too!

We want to say a fast word about our conversation re Health tips. However, one really important distinction here directly relates to your own aspirations. There are always some points that will have more of an effect than others. The best approach is to try to envision the effects each point could have on you. But let's keep going because we have some excellent tips for you to give serious attention.

Putting in more than 41 hours per week at the office raises your risk of hypertension by 15%, according to a University of California, Irvine, study of 24,205 California residents. Overtime makes it hard to exercise and eat healthy, says Haiou Yang, PhD, the lead researcher. It may be difficult to clock out super early in today’s tough economic times, but try to leave at a decent hour—so you can go to the gym or cook a healthy meal—as often as possible. Set an end-of-day message on your computer as a reminder to turn it off and go home.

Eat your vegetables. No sauces, no mixing or blending or nothing! Raw, steamed or microwaved, they're great for adding color to a meal (greens, yellows, and beans in all sorts of colors). I know fresh and organically grown is best, and seriously, you just have to buy it that way.

If compiling your own healthy shopping lists feels too much like hard work, save time and energy by letting someone else do the work. Many farms and health food stores now deliver seasonal fruit and veggies to local areas on a weekly basis, making it easy to try varied healthy produce without stepping foot out your door. Alternatively, for those who want more and have pennies to spare, several companies now offer the option of having prepared healthy meals delivered direct to your home.

Who hasn't heard of the cabbage soup diet or themselves tried some wacky diet that eliminated 90% of your usual foods! Dieting or going on some food plan that deviates dramatically from your usual eating habits will just set you up for failure. Yes, in the short term you may lose a few kilos. But I guarantee in a few weeks after stopping your "diet" you gain back all, if not more weight than before. The fact is "diets" are not pleasurable or convenient, therefore they are not sustainable. We really do know what "good" foods are but due to lack of time and knowledge on how to prepare some foods, we take shortcuts. Aim to start introducing more "good" foods into your diet.

Drink the purest water you can get. If your local water company is dumping chlorine, fluoride, and God only knows what else into the water for "your protection," you must purchase a good water filter. Be sure that it meets California certification standards.

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