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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Constipation in Children is Serious Business, Prune Juice Can Help

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Constipation in children is frequently more like a nightmare for parents. They realize that they must do something quickly so that their children will feel better fast. However, it is not such a good idea to use harsh chemical laxatives on susceptible little bodies. This is what makes prune juice so important as part of the solution.

It is true that constipation isn't typical when an infant is breastfed, nevertheless formula and solid foods can result in uncomfortable constipation in toddlers. At times like these, one of the most natural ways to treat this condition is to also put prune juice into the diet.

Prune juice produces regularity because it has natural substances like sorbitol which create softer stools that are easy to pass. Sorbitol is somewhat like glucose but it is absorbed much more slowly. This slow rate of absorption allows it to capture more water as it travels through the gut so that means that the stools are moister and easier to make it through the intestines for easier elimination. That in turn means your child will not have to suffer through another bout of uncomfortable constipation which might lead to other problems.

You will not find that this guarantees that any toddler will be helped through the use of prune juice as the only solution or preventative measure for constipation in children, nevertheless in most cases it can do the job well to eliminate the disquieting moments of this situation. Since each child is different, doctors always recommend that those children who are battling with frequent constipation, see a pediatrician to help parents determine if there are various other issues surrounding this condition.

Children often don't enjoy the flavor of prune juice though, and since this is the preferred option for maintaining regularity some things can be done to make sure their young receive the benefits it offers. They can blend prune juice with the juice of other fruits. Here is a recipe that you along with your child might enjoy.

1 apple seeded
1 pear seeded
1/2 cup prune juice

Place fruit and juice in a blender and mix well. This mixture will stay good for 12 hours when stored in the refrigerator.

The prune juice found this recipe is not the only one ingredient that aids in correcting constipation in children. The apple, in particular if you selected a green type, contains malic acid which is known to help to break down fatty products in the gallbladder, intestines and liver, and it has lots of fiber as well. Along with that, pears contain fiber which is important for maintaining good bowel movements, and these fruits contain vitamins and minerals which cleans out the colon and kidneys. And they help to regenerate blood cells.

How quickly prune juice aids to eliminate constipation in children and toddlers often depends on how severe the problem is. In many instances it can work in only a few hours, but there are also times when it will not work at all because of the severity of constipation . When this happens parents should always consult with their child'sdoctor to determine how to best handle the situation.

Constipation in children can be serious, so don't let it continue to be an issue without getting your child relief as soon as possible.

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