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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Psychological Fallout Of Acne

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Pimples, no matter whether the frequent teenage variety or the rarer adult variety, is one among several kinds of skin infections that could produce serious skin spots and aesthetically undesirable consequences. Aside from the obvious physical markings that come with the onset of the acne, there is also the possibility that the breakout would leave scars on the facial area . While only adult acne and a select few skin infections leave scars, these marks are often difficult and costly to get rid off. Facial scars due to acne could have serious mental and social implications. Pimples and skin infections could have mental health unwanted side effects that could be more serious than the infection itself since skin problems often have an effect on anyone's self-esteem.

A temporary bout of social anxiety is frequent among individuals who suffer from acne. Since most individuals view the epidermis as a visual indication of anyone's physical well-being and cleanliness , spots could often be perceived quite negatively. Individuals could interpret the acne as signs of poor cleanliness or physical health, as well as being feasible signs of unhealthy dietary options. Some individuals to slowly keep clear of individuals with acne, especially in communities or groups where physical attractiveness and “sameness” are critical to social survival, a situation identified in a typical higher school campus. This detachment, along with the acne client's own perception – one that is all too often affected by outside influences – could result in social withdrawal. The acne sufferer's withdrawal and sense of being socially unacceptable could even worsen and lead to an onset of social anxiety in some cases.

Another potential situation brought about by acne is status anxiety. As previously stated, some communities embrace a culture of “sameness” that causes members to subconsciously ostracize those who are perceived to be “different.” While extreme in interpretation, individuals with acne are often seen to be among those who are “different.” But for the popular, higher-position members of society, any sign of skin imperfection could even cause status anxiety. Modern society often puts pressure on individuals to either maintain their status or improve it, which is among the leading causes of tension and anxiety in individuals. This pressure is an underlying force behind social interactions with one's perceived peers and superiors, but could come into the foreground with the onset of acne. As acne becomes manifest, concern over one's physical physical appearance as a factor in one's social standing grows. Once a certain point, which is different for each person, has been reached, status anxiety sets in as the person becomes increasingly worried about how the “infection” will affect his status inside of his social circle.

Perhaps among the more drastic effects of acne on the human psyche would be depression, though this is arguably more like a side effect of the previously brought up concerns. Usually, depression makes itself manifest if the acne has been prevalent for a prolonged period. As the social isolation continues, the client also loses more and more self esteem in his social skills and standing. This social anxiety, combined with worries over the perceived decline in his standing among his peers, could often make the situation seem hopeless for anyone. The state of depression, which may only be perception and not an accurate reflection of the situation, could have dangerous consequences on anyone's mental health. The feasible psychological fallout brought on by prolonged depression could readily outlast even the worst acne outbreak, with the possibility of becoming worse if the client develops acne again later in life.

The potential psychological fallout brought on by acne should be a significant concern for virtually anyone who is battling acne. As such, acne should be taken seriously and treated properly from the start. If over-the-counter medicines are failing to alleviate the situation, then consult an expert for counsel. Be sure to follow the directions given for the acne medication, no matter whether this is over-the-counter or prescribed, to minimize the chances of unwanted side effects taking place. While pharmaceutical grade acne treatments and acne scar removal surgical treatment could seem expensive, they could prove to be worthwhile long-term investments when compared with the costs of treatment and anti-depressants.

When searching around for the best acne products why not check out the webpage. We have a comprehensive review of all the effective solutions on the market. The products include rosacea treatment, natural acne treatment, blue light therapy, cure for pimples, and acne treatments that work!

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